The Superpower We All Possess

Wonder Woman

A few years ago, I drove to a nearby town to deliver a Christmas soap order. My friend wasn’t going to be at home, but we had made arrangements for drop off and payment. When I got there and opened the envelope, to my pleasant surprise I found that she had left me much more than just payment, extra payment at that. In the form of a note, she left me the precious gift of encouragement.

The note read, “Thank you, Elin. The extra money is just because! Put it towards your next publishing fees!  Love & Hugs, xxxxx”

She very thoughtfully donated extra money for my next publishing effort, and she didn’t even know that that I had another book in mind. I was blown away by her encouraging words. Physically, I drove away from her house that day. But mentally, I was soaring as high as an eagle. She believed in me and my creative efforts and showed it.

Eight months later my second book was published, Bubbles to Bucks… How To Make Money Selling Soap.

I was reminded about this, a couple of weeks ago.

I had volunteered to serve on the crowdsourcing editor team for a lady who is writing a historical fiction series.  Before beginning to read and edit the second book in the series, I needed to read the first book which had already been published. Within a week’s time I ended up reading both books, doing the editing on the second, and then submitted my editing work. To my surprise, the author soon posted to social media about how greatly encouraged she was to receive feedback from me so quickly. Ha! I just fell into reading her books and quickly found how much I enjoyed them. Hey… I’m ready for book #3!

I believe that we all have this desire, deep down, to really make a difference in this world. We want our lives to count for something. But consider this, that maybe sometimes, we miss it. While we tend to think we have to go out and do something big, we miss the fact that we have great influence in the lives of others simply by encouraging them.

We live in a world that is so negative all the time; but we should remember that our biggest common denominator is that we all belong to the human race.

We all possess this superpower of the gift of encouragement.

How will you encourage others today?


Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

—Proverbs 18:21

10 thoughts on “The Superpower We All Possess

  1. This is so true, but so easy to forget! We’re all trying to make that big impact, when the smaller one is often deeper and longer-lasting (and so easy to come by!). Thanks for the wonderful reminder.

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